Tuesday 18 September 2012

Research and Planning: College Magazine Draft Feedback

For another activity, we had to create a mock up magazine cover of what our college magazine would be, then, because we need feedback, we went out and asked our demographic, which is college students, what they thought of my magazine. I asked three people in total and each person gave different answers which gave me a better understanding of what they will be looking for in a magazine and what they would like to see.

Interviewee One:
She said that she would like to see information and pictures in the magazine.
She also said that she would not pay for a college magazine and nothing would change her mind, this tells me that I would need to make my college magazine free or a lot of my target audience would not buy it.
The thing that she would most look for in a college magazine would be facts and information.

Interviewee Two:
She said that she would like to see information in a college magazine.
She also agreed with the first interviewee that she would not pay for a college magazine.
She said that the content she would like to see the most in information about the college, classes and whatever clubs that the college offered.
She said she would most like to see a student as the main image because you would be able to relate to the magazine more.

Interviewee Three:
Interviewee three said that she would most like to see courses in the college magazine.
She said that she would not pay for a college magazine, however if there was free stuff involved than she would reconsider.
She said that she would most like to see case studies in a college magazine.
She also said that she would most like to see a student as the main image because "everyone knows the teachers but being able to know what a student does would compel you to read the magazine.

 During the creation of my college magazine I will be taking all of this feedback into consideration as what the demographic wants is my first priority. And if I follow the feedback, people would be more likely to read, buy or view my magazine.

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